Saturday, April 13, 2013


I'm so excited that spring is here! I'm really enjoying this weather and finally I can start wearing some nice spring and summerish clothes :-) Every time, someone asks me for my opinion about Uggs, I can't recommend them enough ... They are the best shoes EVER! Actually, they r not very good for days with heavy rain, but other than that if I could I would wear them all day long 'cause they are so comfy and go almost with everything! :-)

xxx i.

Ugg boots
Zara skirt
Forever 21 sweater
H&M jacket
Forever 21 necklace
Marc Jacobs sunglasses

1 comment:

  1. Uggy jsou opravdu krááásnyyy i se sukynkou!!:) mela sem si je tenkrat taky koupit v outletu!:D
